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Elektor Electronics magazine

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Alphabetical list of articles with descriptions, from issues published in 2010 in Elektor Electronics magazine:

Cloud Altitude Meter. Your head in the clouds with AirControl.

Colossus - the Rebuild. A giant digital computer that uses valves as its main logic elements.

Computer digital audio interface. Design Tip.

Corrosion fighter spray. E-LABs INSIDE section.

Crystal Pulling.

Crystal Tester.

Daggerboard Position Detector.

Deep Discharge Protection for 12 V Batteries.

Delay-line Digital Memory (ca. 1968). Retronics series.

Designing and Making Basic Antennas based on dipoles and monopoles.

Digital Multi-Effects Unit. With 15 configurable sound effects and a user-friendly HMI.

Digital Thumbwheel Switch.

Dimmer with a Micro. For incandescent and halogen lamps up to 300 watts.

Discover the STM32! E-LABs INSIDE.

Discrete Low-drop Regulator.

DIY Front Panels.

DIY SMD Adapter.

DMX512 Control Interface. With visual configuration using a Cypress PSoC microcontroller.

Dual Voltage/Current Display. For a symmetrical Unilab power supply.

Dynamic Limiter.

Economical On/Off Power Switch.

EF50 – The Story. The valve that helped win the war.

Electret Mic Booster.

Electrolytic capacitors in audio circuits. E-LABs INSIDE.

Elekterminal (1978). Retronics section.

Elektor CO2 Meter Mk. 2. E-Labs Inside.

Elektor DSP Radio Scanner. Monitor, Log and Scan.

Elektor Foundation Award 2009. Prizes for people with a passion.

Elektor PCB Prototyper. A professional PCB router with many extension options.

Elektor Teletext Decoder (1981). Retronics series.

Embedded World 2010. E-LABs INSIDE section.

Emergency Stop.

Energy from the Internet, Water and ICs. Sustainability a la Elektor.

Escaped from the Elektor lab. E-Labs Inside section.

Every Microwatt Matters. Low power design for AVR applications.

Examined: Hameg HMO2524. E-LABS INSIDE section.

Fast Reliable Vias.

Femto OS. A tiny multitasking operating system for microcontrollers.

Flashing Lights for Planes and Helicopters.

Fourier Analysis using LTspice & Excel. Frequency & time domain analysis made easy.

FPGA Design Simulation With Quartus Web Edition and ModelSim Altera Edition.

From Microphone to Line Input. Design Tip.

Front Panel Design Program.

Front Panels the Mouse Mat Way.

Fun with Fireflies. Grass-roots artificial intelligence.

G4WIM 24cm ATV Transmitter (1994). Retronics series.

Give your Projects Simple Grace. With the Elektor Project Case.

Glass Blower.

GPS ft. Propeller. Parallax multiprocessor enhances satnav functionality.

Grasping the Sceptre. Software library for easy programming.

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