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Circuit Cellar magazine

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Alphabetical list of articles with descriptions, from issues published in 2012 in Circuit Cellar magazine:

Innovative Research & Design. An Interview with Mike Smith.

Internet-Enabled Home Control. Build a Cloud-Based Attic Monitor.

Introduction to IIR Filters.

Is Software Development an Art or a Science?

KartTracker. A GPS-Based Vehicle Timing & Monitoring System.

Last Chance to Enter the DesignSpark chipKIT(TM) Challenge.

Locked In. Synchronous Detection Explained.

Low-Power and Energy-Harvesting Applications.

Managing Project Risk.

Math Routines Using dsPIC Features.

MCU-Based Environmental Data Logger.

MCU-Based Light Control. Longer Serial Communication on Differential Wires.

Mechanical Gyroscope Replacement. Part 1: A Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) Solution.

Mechanical Gyroscope Replacement. Part 2: Gravity and Acceleration.

Microelectronic Component Obsolescence. How to Prepare for an Inevitable Scarcity of Parts.

Miniature Accelerometers. DIY Acceleration Data Acquisition.

MOSFET Channel Resistance. Tester Hardware.

MOSFET Channel Resistance. Theory and Practice.

MOSFET Tester. Peltier Temperature Control and Results.

Multilevel Audible Logical Probe. Testing, Troubleshooting, and Debugging.

Multi-Serial Protocol Tool.

New Product News.

On Being a Communications Specialist. An Interview with Lawrence Foltzer.

One-Time Passwords from Your Watch.

Playing with High-Speed ADCs.

Printer Port Connections.

Priority Interrupt. 8-Bit Control Is Dead - No Way!

Priority Interrupt. A Rose by Any Other Name.

Priority Interrupt. An Internet Education.

Priority Interrupt. Business in the Cloud?

Priority Interrupt. Fix It or Toss It?

Priority Interrupt. Go Team!

Priority Interrupt. Google Lunar X PRIZE.

Priority Interrupt. Managing Expectations.

Priority Interrupt. Onward and Upward.

Priority Interrupt. Power to the People.

Priority Interrupt. Too Many Layers.

Priority Interrupt. What Were They Thinking?

Product Reliability. Part 1: Reliability Prediction.

Product Reliability. Part 2: The Meaning of Failure Rate.

Project Configuration Control. Family Tree Drawing & Document Archiving.

Project Development. Part 1: Plans, Schedules, and Task Management.

Project Development. Part 2: Development Process, Milestones, and Design Reviews.

QRSS-Rx. A Network for Radio Communication.

Quantifying Precipitation. Construct a Device to Measure Rainfall Volume.

Radio Frequency Mixers.

Renesas RL78. The True Low-Power MCU Platform.

RFI Bypassing. Part 1: Capacitor Self-Resonance.

RFI Bypassing. Part 2: Parallel Capacitors.

Robot Navigation. Position Determination from Acoustic Delay Triangulation.

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