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Alphabetical list of articles with descriptions, from issues published in 2012 in Nuts And Volts magazine:
A High Voltage Halloween.
A New BalloonSat Airframe Design.
A Proper Ringing of the Bells.
Add USB Devices to Your Projects.
Answers to Questions.
Approaching the Final Frontier.
Balloonsats and Attitudes Toward Science.
Build A Little Electronic Mischief.
Build a MIDI to Logic Controller.
Build a Moisture Detector.
Build a Morse Code Oscillator.
Build a Nose Beeper.
Build a Screaming Box.
Build a Sound-Activated Laser Parking System.
Build a Stereo Gain Controller.
Build a USB Volume and Mute Controller for Your PC.
Build an IC Electronic Organ.
Build the Alarm Autodialer.
Build the Chirper - The Best Turn Signal Monitor Ever!
Build the Garage Door Closer.
Build the Mystery Solar Powered Pendulum.
Build the Pi Scrolling Display.
Build the Poor Man’s Seismograph.
Build the Solar Sequencer.
Build the Voltage Mirror.
Build Your Own Magnetometer.
Build Your Own Wi-Fi Internet Radio.
Build Your Own Wireless Sensor Network Using XBee and the 32-bit Experimenter.
Building an Intelligent Data Radio.
Channel Surfing With An Arduino.
Choose Your Own Adventure Game.
Compiled Basic for the PIC On a Shoestring.
Cracking PDF File Passwords With a BeagleBone Board.
Creating a Virtual Serial Port With the 32-Bit Micro Experimenter.
DDS and the Electronic Music Box.
Design a Customized Security System Using RobotBASIC.
Electronic Schematic Diagrams for Experimenters and Technicians.
Events, Advances, and News.
Fritzing With the Arduino - Part 1.
Fritzing With the Arduino - Part 2.
Fritzing With the Arduino - Part 3.
Fritzing With the Arduino - Part 4.
Fritzing With the Arduino Proto Shield- Part 5.
FUNdamentals For Beginners.
Further Explorations With PICAXE Temperature Measurement.
Give Your Data Radio the AX8052F100.
How To Succeed At Circuit Design By Learning From These Mistakes.
It’s About Time.
Let There Be Colorful Lights!
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