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Alphabetical list of articles with descriptions, from issues published in 2012 in Circuit Cellar magazine:
A Different Timeshare. Build a Timeserver System.
A Vision for 3-D Stacked Systems. An Interview with Ayse Kivilcim Coskun.
AC Tester. Testing, Troubleshooting, and Debugging.
Accelerated Testing.
ADCs and Signal Filtering.
Advanced Robot Technologies. An Interview with Hanno Sander.
All-in-One Joystick. Build a Propeller-Based TV Gaming Platform.
An Analog Life (And a Lot More). An Interview with Chris Gammell.
Arduino Survival Guide. Power Supply.
Audio-Enhanced Touch Sensors.
Build a Robust Power Supply. Part 1: Power Dissipation.
Build a Robust Power Supply. Part 2: Abnormal Surge Voltage.
Build an MCU-Based Automatic Blood Pressure Cuff.
Build an MCU-Based Bicycle Computer.
Build an MCU-Based Digital Thermometer.
Camera Image Stabilization.
Capacitive-Touch Gain-Controlled Personal Amplifier.
Charging with PV Cells.
Concurrency in Embedded Systems. Part 1: An Introduction to Concurrency and Common Pitfalls.
Concurrency in Embedded Systems. Part 2: Atomicity and TOCTTOU.
Concurrency in Embedded Systems. Part 3: Avoiding Concurrency Problems.
Concurrency in Embedded Systems. Part 4: Introducing Linux and Concurrency.
Controlling Access with a Proximity Card. Open the Door to Manchester Encoding.
Debugging USB Firmware. Tips and Tricks for Developing USB Devices.
DesignSpark chipKIT(TM) Challenge Update.
DesignSpark chipKIT(TM) Challenge.
DesignSpark chipKIT(TM) Design Challenge. Community Choice Winners.
Digital Camera Controller. Part 1: Hardware & Construction.
Digital Camera Controller. Part 2: Code, User Interface, and Timing.
Digital X-Ray Sensors.
Diode ORing.
DIY Automated Component Dispenser.
Electrically Actuated Sound Effects. A Circuit and Firmware to Ring a Phone Bell.
Electronic Signatures for Firmware Updates.
Electronics Engineering for the People. An Interview with David L. Jones.
Embedded Systems Education. An Interview with Miguel Sanchez.
Energy Extraction. Powering Up with Heat Transfer.
Engineering Innovation, Experimentation, & Explanation. An Interview with Stuart Ball.
EtherCAT Orchestra.
Examining an I/O Port. The Internal Structure of an I/O Pin with a Pull-Up Resistor.
FAT Cache. Using File Allocation Table (FAT) Cache for Fast and Efficient SD Card Access.
Flowcharting Made Simple. Use the Flowcode Flowcharting IDE to Write Code.
Getting Started with Embedded Linux. Part 3: Linux Licensing Issues.
Getting Started with Embedded Linux. Part 4: Linux Software Development Tools.
Hands-On Innovation. An Interview with David Penrose.
Hardware-Accelerated Encryption.
Image Processing System Development. Use an MCU to Unleash the Power of Depth Cameras.
Industrial Control Engineering. An Interview with Aubrey Kagan.
Infrared Thermal Detectors.
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